नमस्कार !

Yo !!

Monday, 16 March 2009

//////// "Diary" \\\\\\\\


I wonder how people manage to write their daily experiences in diary. Well it's a good habit. We can peep into our past experiences in detail because as time passes, human brain is bound to loose some part of the memory.

I also thought of starting writing such a diary. But being little lazy since childhood in writing things it never happened yet.

But then technology is improved, things are becoming easier and faster...

Man invented a so called intelligent Computer.And it provides a very useful feature of saving data. And it's easier to maintain too. I personally find typing the best way to avoid writing with pen on paper. Typing is a lot faster and we can erase things quickly and by selecting nice font, there is no1 to point on your handwriting as well. There are many uses of Notepad e.g. creating Web pages. But I selected Notepad to write whatever comes to my mind. And here it is I'm writing in notepad and getting a feel of writing Diary. :D

Now that I got the way to write My Personal Diary. I've started writing my personal experiences...

So... what about you ?

Are you writing it already ?


Thinking of starting it ?

God Bless You.

Take Care :)


SuNiL Tembye said...

have u already started OR u gonna start it in this blog ;) ???

Unknown said...

well thts the Good effort.. and well written... happy writing !! happy blogging..!! hope to see ur new "blogs" !! :)

Piyu said...

so abhishek
i guess we will get 2 know more abt u through this blog.. [:d]

Keep Writing !! Bindasss

Abhishek !! said...

hmm... :)

Ketkihere said...

nice work...........
i may sound crazy, but for me it seems as though a bud is blooming into a flower now.......

Abhishek !! said...

hmm... Ketki... i guess you should also create your own Blog :)

Hope to see your Blog soon...